
work; a few reasons why i love my job.

today at work, i was making a sandwich as i do for people, when my boss walks in. i'm busy so i dont really acknowledge him, he often comes in to tell me things, or just blab and knows that i'll listen even if i'm not looking at him. So i'm standing there making this sandwich and suddenly, there's a spoon in proximity of my face that is obviously in the hand of my boss. and he says in jumbled pause this:
"will you take this spoon.... i mean, do you want this spoon?....... there's just something about it that bugs me, it's the only one of it's shape... i just... there's just... i was sitting there, with this spoon, and i would have just chucked it in the garbage, but i thought to myself, yah know .. maybe michelle would like a spoon.... so do you want the spoon?"
i turn to him and half laugh half giggle. the kind of laugh that says, "are you serious?" even though i'm well aware that he is serious.
i took the spoon, and giggled about it periodically the rest of the day.

also, today;
a homeless women came and hung a few of her paintings, since frank and kristy are moving our february art was cut a little short and we have bare walls.
a week or so ago with women comes in,(i am not aware she is homeless) during lunch rush and asks about hanging paintings; i kindly explain to her that we would love to show her work, but if she could come back in the afternoon or leave me her name and a way we could reach her i would have the owner get back to her asap. she proceeds to re-explain herself and basically write down a story in no logical order on the piece of paper i have given her. she's obviously not all with it and i assure her we will get a hold of her if she would just give me her name and number; i can tell she's nervous so im trying to be as patient as possible but this is agitating. as agitating as my boss's mother calling during lunch wanting to speak to him; seriously it's just a bad idea, we're bond to be a bit rude when we're busy. i somehow get rid of this women, shove the piece of paper at my boss and tell him i'll explain later. he of course wants an explanation now, but i shove it off and tell him i'm going to start sending these quacks at him since he hates, i mean hates dealing with the front at all, he's like a scared little kid when it comes to that stuff. i mean this man tries to bribe me with quarters to go get him a cup of coffee so he doesn't have to talk to the old ladies, because they just love him. so he shuts up about the artist lady. i end up explaining it to his wife (also my boss) and she calls the lady.
she comes to hang her stuff (about 4 pieces), during lunch, even though my boss's wife specified after 2 pm, but does not have wires on anything. she explains she's homeless and asks where she can get wire, my boss's wife kindly asks her to come back when her stuff has wires on it. she comes back today, and basically wires her stuff at a table, then hangs it; this takes at least an hour and it's during lunch yet again. im all for helping people out but she was a bit silly but definitely not the most annoying one; thats another shorter story, i will save for later.
we got a call from another artist that wants to hang her work in the rest of the space. immediately after telling me about it my bosses wife says "and this one actually sounds normal, she even wants to have a reception"

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